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      Willamette Falls WL2-cm

      What We’re Working Toward

      In order to truly thrive, an organization needs to have clearly defined goals and objectives in place. Those goals should be agreed upon by the organization’s leaders and employees and be understood by all involved, for the sake of achieving a sense of buy-in.

      As chair of the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners, my duties include getting a sense of what the county’s residents want us to accomplish on their behalf. That helps us to identify priorities and figure out the best ways to implement them.

      Earlier this year, the board went over what its goals are for the next few years. This was done not too long after I took over as the new chair.

      Many of the key goals we worked on involved building public trust through good government. My fellow commissioners agreed that the county’s budget should be structurally sound, sustainable and completely tied to results. The timeline for this to be done was originally left vague, as a range of two to three years, with a specific date left incomplete. Under my leadership, the goal now states that it will be done by 2022. The county has already taken the steps to meet that goal.

      Another priority area for the commissioners was growing a vibrant economy. The goals for doing that were originally fairly open-ended; the board wanted to increase the number of businesses operating in a supportive environment over the course of two to three years.

      I insisted that there be better benchmarks to measure progress. The board agreed. Now, the goal is to have 75 percent of our county businesses reporting that they’re operating in a supportive environment by the year 2024. Even better is that we’re looking to have a 15 percent increase in jobs that meet the self-sufficiency standard wage by 2026.

      The board also wants to build a strong infrastructure. We want to find federal, state and regional funding for the next phase of the Sunrise Gateway Multimodal Corridor by 2024. I’m pleased to report that we appear to be on track in meeting this goal, as the county secured state funding for planning and community engagement for this project during the 2021 legislative session.

      All of this proves and demonstrates that it’s much easier to get things done when you know what you’re working towards. In a short period of time, the board of commissioners has been able to state what it is that we want to do, set firm deadlines and taken solid, concrete, measurable steps to getting them done. This is exactly what I meant when I said that I intended to use the position as chair to get the county back on the right track. We obviously have a lot of work ahead of us, but I think we’ve gotten off to a great start this year.

      As always, I welcome all comments. Please feel free to contact me by clicking here.

      2 thoughts on “What We’re Working Toward

      1. MARY WHITNEY says:

        Hi Tootie, it is refreshing to have a public servant so entooned to her constituents. I appreciate your focus on the ball, especially, the Sunrise Corridor project. Back in 1992 when I purchased my first home in Clackamas County the powers at be spoke about this new and improved road to Sandy that would have an Estacada exit. That was almost 30 years ago…finally, it may come to fruition. Your thoughtful leadership is moving in the right direction and we appreciate you, carry on.. Thanks ?

        1. Thank you Mary. Very kind words… and appreciated.

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