
  • Local Law Enforcement Lynn Schoenfeld
    Former Clackamas Police Sergeant & Candiate for Sheriff

  • Lindsay Berschauer
    Yamhill County Commissioner

  • Ben West
    Clackamas County Commissiner

  • Local Law Enforcement
    Former District Attorney
    John Foote

  • Patrick Sheehan
    Happy Valley Realtor & former State Representative

  • Oregonians Defending Property Rights
    Oregon Property Owners Association

  • Small Business Owners
    Oregon Small Business Association

  • Local Farmers
    Oregon Family Farm Associations

  • Local Home Builders
    Home Building Association of Greater Portland

  • Local Non-Partisans Supporting common-sense solutions
    Clackamas Strong

  • Clackamas County Law Enforcement
    Clackamas County Peace Officers Association

  • Anti-Tolling
    No Tolls-PAC

  • Oregon Timber Workers

  • Clackamas County Firefighters
    Professional Firefighters of Clackamas County, IAFF Local 1159