Clackamas Won the Fight Against the Decriminalization of Killer Drugs…But the Fight Isn’t Over

18 March 2024

The people of Oregon have won a hard-fought battle against the nightmare of drug decriminalization. Governor Tina Kotek will sign House Bill 4002 into effect which officially recriminalizes the possession of illicit substances. After three devastating years of Measure 110, Oregonians have demanded immediate action in the wake of soaring overdoses, surging crime, and an exacerbated homelessness epidemic.

Within a few months of Measure 110’s controversial implementation, it was clear voters had been sold a bill of goods. The elites in Portland cleverly shrouded their controversial drug experiment in a cloak of compassion. This was the only way they could smuggle in radical woke policies that would’ve been unconscionable to the average voter. People have finally seen Measure 110 for what it is: a bloody free-for-all of killer drugs.

Clackamas County has proudly led the charge against Measure 110. Way back in June 2023, the board of county commissioners checked in with residents and received an overwhelming chorus of family members, friends, coworkers, concerned neighbors, and recovering addicts calling for a repeal. After urging surrounding communities to follow suit, over a dozen of Oregon’s 36 counties agreed to put the future of drug decriminalization on a ballot in May.

The growing pushback against the abject failure of Measure 110 ended up forcing the legislature to stop gambling with people’s lives immediately. Passed with widespread bipartisan, HB 4002 reimposes criminal penalties for the possession of illicit substances including heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, and oxycodone. This reequips the government with a crucial mechanism for coercing treatment from offenders with substance abuse disorders.

Now, those possessing minor amounts of these hardcore drugs have the choice between incarceration of up to 180 days or treatment of up to 18 months. Violators of the recovery channel face 30 days of prison for the infraction. On top of that, the bill beefs up spending on recovery and addiction treatment. However, critics point out that no elevation in funding has made a considerable impact thus far.

While HB 4002 is a ray of hope for Oregonians, it’s not as robust as some people might have hoped. It leaves the possession of killer drugs as a Class E violation, the lowest offense possible. Furthermore, the legislation doesn’t undo no-cash bail which lets drug dealers and violent offenders walk free. Instead, it simply instructs the Supreme Court to “reevaluate” early release.

Suggested Reading: Portland Lets Suspect in State’s Biggest Fentanyl Drug Bust Walk Free

The Clackamas County Commission represents one of the most diverse counties in the state. This fact is reflected by the board’s wide-ranging backgrounds and political persuasions. However, we’ve consistently found strength in our differences to uphold the will of the people. The recriminalization of hard drugs is another example of the victories this commission has been able to rack up. This is a considerable shift in the right direction, but the fight isn’t over.


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